Describe someone that you admire: IELTS Speaking Cue Card


 Hi Friends, Here is one more Cue Card to help you speak confidently 


Describe someone that you admire.

    You should say:

        ·        Who he/she is

        ·        Why you admire him / her

        ·        When you first saw him/her

        ·        And explain how he/she has influenced the way you think.


I am really excited to speak about the person I admire. There are some teachers, doctors, friends and relatives who I look up to and they influence and inspire me a lot. Here I would like to talk about my high school teacher Mr. Surya Partap Singh. He used to teach us subjective and communicative English. He is one of the most influential teachers I have ever seen.

I appreciate his teaching method and the way he would make learning easy and entertaining. Earlier I was afraid of learning English and used to think that I would never be able to pass English exam. But He made this possible for me. He would work on the areas where students struggle most and ask them to be frank and raise maximum questions.

He was very down to earth person. He was a dedicated teacher and master of this subject, he would discover new ideas to make subject easy and vivid.


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 I first met him when I was enrolled in 9th standard in a government-run school of my town. The school was about 5 kilometres away from my residence. I studied two years in the school. These two years paved the way of my learning especially in English. I got 1st division in 9th and 10th standard and I was one of the students who obtained 90 marks in English paper. He changed the way I used to think about learning any subject and language. he introduced some ideas to work hard

And smart. Later I took English as my major and know I aspire to become lecturer

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