Cambridge IELTS Book 17 Speaking Test 2 Questions and Answers

Cambridge IELTS Book 17 Speaking Test 2 Questions and Answers


Part 1

Did you have a favorite book when you were a child ?

I was fond of reading animals stories when I was a child. I was a huge fan of “ Animal World” the book which was the favorite of many children during that time. So it was the book that I read a lot. I can say that I was my favorite

How much reading do you do for your work or studies?

I have to hit many books for my studies. I am studying about 5 subjects and each has a separate book. Sometimes , I am assigned to read books of particular author to improve my understanding about the subject or topic.

What kinds of books do you read for pleasure?

Mostly, I read novels for changing my mood by reading something good. I have recently bought a book written by famous India Author, Chetan Bhagat. The book is Two states. I find this engrossing as it covers a story of two young graduates from different part of the my country. Who try to convince their parents for marriage? I find such books quite interesting to read.

Do you prefer to read a newspaper or a magazine online or buy a copy?

I don’t like to read news online . I receive a journal everyday to know what’s happening in the world around me. I have also subscribed a magazine to learn about current affair in details. I cannot concentrate online when I try to read any piece of news story.


Part 2


Describe a big city you would like to visit.

You should say:-

Which big city you would like to visit

How you would travel there

What you would do there

And explain why you would like to visit this big city

 To be true to myself, I have never been to any large city. I have just visited cities which are not so big. I am planning to visit Delhi which is our national capital. it is supposed to be one of the largest cities of the world. the transpiration is the cities is improving as per the demands. It is bit convenient to travel around the city. I would love to travel by metro and buses because they are less expensive but secure. The city administration tries its best to provide safer journey experience to all.

I am going to visit the city next money, Because the trade fair is going to be held and sellers and buyers from all over the world come there. I have made up my mind to explore agricultural products which we can import and export as I come from agricultural family.

Apart from this , I would like to visit the parliament of my country , the red forte and there are many historical building which attract many visitors from all over the world. I have only read in books about the glory and beauty of our national capital but never been there.  Next month , I would be able to explore and see what I have just read.

This is going to quite exciting for me. I am going to make most of this visit.

Part 3

Visiting  cities on holiday

What are the interesting things to do while visiting cities on holidays?

Theme parks, museums and art galleries are most popular attractions in the cities. Mostly people visit these places to unwind themselves. In some cities , there are some significant religious and national building which often attract people during holidays.

Why can it be expensive to visit cities on holidays?

During holidays , cities become bit more expensive because they receive number of visitors which creates a competition of service there. People are ready to any cost to avail the service . I think , this is the reasons , people have to pay more for entertainment in the cities during rush times. It is not true with all cities , in many cities , local administrations try to control the inflation  so people could enjoy their leisure time in the cities.

Do you think it is better to visit cities alone or in a group with friends ?

It is always better to be the part of ground. It may of friends or other visitors. When we travel in a group , we can exchange lot things. When we are alone we may not do so. we can even bargain for service or products while visiting a city. But , we cannot do so if we are visiting a city alone.

The growth of cities

Why have cities increased in size in recent years?

Yes , many cities have expanded more than expectation. It is because , people from rural areas want to settle in urban areas where they can find better job opportunities and amenities. In couple of decades ,  cities have grown very larger in cities due to the migration. Even semi urban areas have become fully developed cities at present.   

What are the challenges created by ever- growing cities ?

Housing and pollution have coming pressing problems for many cities. As more and more people are migrating to cities. Many cities lack to provide better accommodation to its dwellers. People are forced to live in congested places. and increasing pollution has become a challenge for people to deal with. Due to traffic the air pollution has increased a lot. People often suffer from many health issues because of air pollution.  

In what ways do you think cities of the future will be different to cities today?

Cities life is expected to be more advanced. More machines will be used to perform ordinary day-to-day task. Even schools will have advanced technology to educate students. Hotels would deploy robots to serve food to their customers. People would be more dependent on machines rather than manual works in cities. Apart from this , people would be forced to live in skyscrapers and away from nature.


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