How to Talk about Future: Essential IELTS Grammar | Crack IELTS Free

 Hello Guys, Hope you are doing fine. Grammar plays very crucial to speak and write prolifically. In today’s post we will learn How to talk about “Future”. There are many grammatical structures deployed to describe Future activity. It is always good to use variety of structures to explain future related activities and sentences.

1.     Subject + Is/Am/Are + Going To +1st form.  This is one of the most used grammatical structures to talk about future. We are going to form some sentences so you can understand better and use aptly.

a.     The University is going to conduct pending exams in the end of this week.

b.     They are going to launch their new projects shortly.

c.      He is going to deliver a speech on child labor in a speech competition.

d.     I am not going to give up on my dreams.

e.     She is going to fix your all issues soon.

Look at the underlined words all indicating that something will take place in upcoming times. So you can use this structure to talk about future.

2.     Subject + Is/Am/Are + predicted to + 1st form. This is also use to foresee or foretell that you will do or guess what will be done.

a.     He is predicted to cancel the deals made by his father.

b.     The fuel price is predicted to reach all time high by the end of this ear.

c.      NASA is predicted to re-start its Mars mission next month.

d.     People’s buying behavior is predicted to be dominated by social media hook-ups.

e.     Social media is predicted to play crucial role in delivering cost effective education and information.


3.     Some important verbs- Foretell, Foresee and expected.

a.     It is early to foretell the effects of covid- vaccine.

b.     Covid – Vaccine is expected to bring positive results.

c.      I foresee that your health is your main concern.

d.     It is foreseen by some media houses to declare the result of the election.

e.     I am not a sage to foretell or foresee your success in your efforts.

4.     Will+1st form- this is very common structure knows as future simple tense.

a.     Fuel price will rise because of increasing demand and poor supply

b.     I will take the final step today.

c.      You will receive my message by the end of this month.

d.     She will take an oath today.

e.     The government will launch vaccine drive soon.

Try the sentences above and you will able to sense out the meaning. Try to describe future this way. never use single structure to explain the things you want to. use variety of words and grammatical structures.

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