Describe an intelligent person you know : IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer

 In this post we are covering an important Cue Card and has been frequently asked. We request you please spend some time learning from the post so you can be at ease when you face IELTS Speaking Test


Describe an intelligent person you know


Who is the person?

What does he or She do?

Why do you think he or She is smart?

How do you feel about him or her?


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Model Answer: -

I have many smart and qualified people in my locality, I must say that they are assets to us. They are known for their contribution for the society and what they have achieved academically and professionally. Here It would be great pleasure to talk about Dr Ram Parkash who lives next door to us. I believe he is the most intelligent person I have ever seen in my life.

He works in a public hospital and tries his best to treat people candidly. Many times he works overtime because he believes in serving the community. I often see him and ask his well-being and he always replies with a beautiful and innocent smile.

Why I think he is the most intelligent because whenever I have any problem to deal with or I need any suggestion he comes up with pragmatic and modern ideas. Academically he is brilliant and won the Gold Medal when he was in Medical University. He is one of most sought after keynote speakers in our country , he is often invited by many medical colleges and universities to guide young medical students.

I must tell you that he is my ideal , I want to walk his footprints and I am blessed to have him as my neighbor. His behavior towards me brings him close to my heart. Sometimes I am out of words to describe this great personality. 


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