IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card – Describe your favorite Author / Writer : Crack IELTS Free

 IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card – Describe your favorite Author / Writer



Describe your favorite Writer / Author


Who he/ she is

What types of Books he / She writes

How many of his / her books you have read so far


And Explain why he / she is your favorite actor


Model Answer


Reading books is one my hobbles I have been practicing for a long time. I love reading books based on Business , fiction , motivation , finance and entertainment. So far I have read books authored by Chetan Bhagat , Deepak Chopra , Shiv Khera , Brendon Burchard and Robin Sharma. They are amazing writers in their respective genres.

If I talk about my favorite authors I would say Mr Robin Sharma stands first in the list. Because he has been amazing for more than a decade. So far I have read his 5 books. He writes self help novels in simple language. I started reading him about five years ago when one of my friends gifted me book titled The monk who sold his Ferrari. Since then I have been reading and admiring this great writer.

He uses simple stories to convey his messages to his readers and the one who reads can grasp what the writer wants to say. I have learned many things to advance in my life and help the world around me. The writer is on a mission to uplift the lives of people all around the world and believes in people that they can change and make this world a better place.  He provides pragmatic formulas and tips to be successful in personal and professional lives. His writing style and his concern for the world makes him my favorite write. Recently I have grabbed his brand new book named 5:00 AM club. This is also a great book. I think I will continue read his rest of my life.

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