IELTS Speaking Test - Cue Card -Describe an activity that you usually do that wastes you time

  • Describe an activity that you usually do that wastes you time
  • What the activity is
  • When and where you do this activity
  • How it wastes your times
  • And explain whether you have taken any step to control this activity 


Model Answer

Well , I am a kind of person who never does anything that wastes my time. In simple words I am a productive person and whatever I do, I have full control over it. But sometimes I go out of the track and carried away by social media content.

When I log in my facebook or instagram accounts, I find some interesting videos and short articles. I use social media websites couple of hours every day to connect with my friends and keep pace with the world. But social media websites capture my minds and I forget my priorities and keep on browsing.

Even I have my works on my mind still I am unable to log out. I keep watching short videos and reels. Sometimes I spend more than 1 hours browsing without noticing anything around me. My parents often complain and ask me to change this habit. Because it is making me an addict and I also believe excessive use of anything is bad.

To control this habit, I have started buying less internet date and I try to use it if something necessary there. I have also requested my mother to remind me when I am lost in social media. For couple of weeks I have been successful but not that much. I think with the passage of time I will be able to have full control over it.

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