IELTS Writing Task 2 – 21 May Evening Slot

 IELTS Writing Task 2 – 21 May Evening Slot


Government should spend funding on elementary schools others say that it should be spent on high schools.

Discuss both views and give your opinion?


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Schooling of children has been one of the priorities of the governments all over the world. Many people believe that the government must pay for primary education while others claim that secondary schools must be financially supported by the authority. This essay intends to explore both perspectives and present my personal opinion.

It is true that primary education plays significant role in building children’s character and shaping mindset towards education and the world. Therefore, people believe the authority should allocate funds to primary schooling of children so they could be provided better teachers and required facilities in the institutions. If they are imparted with well trained mentors and amenities, they would have opportunities and atmosphere to assimilate key subjects and principles to advance in life.

On the other hand, many individuals consider that secondary schools must be supported economically because in high schools teenagers have to prepare for higher education and employment. If secondary schools are poorly managed due to the shortage of funds, many young students would be deprived of their dream careers. That’s why the government should responsibly provide monetary support to high schools so that children could prepare themselves for better career that lies ahead.

Moving further, I strongly believe that elementary and secondary education of young learners should be fully funded by the state and the central governments. It is because many parents are not financially capable of providing education to their children. This gesture of the authorities encourages parents enroll their children to schools and children would have chance to build their career and life Moreover :, for the betterment of the world.

To sum up, the education of children should be the responsibility of the governments so a better country could be built.  So every school must be funded by governments.

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