IELTS Writing Task 2 - 15 October 2022 Morning Slot - Some people think that huge amount of money and time should be spent on the protection of wild animals

1. Some people think that huge amount of money and time should be spent on the protection of wild animals. While others believe that this money can be better spent on human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


 Undoubtedly, wild life has been under constant threats and it is on the verge of extinction. Therefore, many individuals consider that a significant amount of money and times must be invested to improve surviving and thriving conditions for animals in the forests. However, some people opine that the financial resources and time should be used for communities rather than other creatures on the earth. I partially agree with given statement and believe that communities and animals should be treated fairly.

 To commence with, protection of wild animals has been one of the concerns of governments and environmentalists. Because , animals in the forests, play a crucial role to maintain ecological balance and diversity. Due to some natural and man-made disasters many species of wild animals have disappeared. And it is predicted that if timely actions are not taken to save wild life, there may be few species of animals left to see. That’s why people believe that a substantial amount of money and time should be invested to provide better living conditions to various creatures in the forests. One more reason to spend for wild life is because; their life has been put to danger by human population as it has been increasing at rapid pace and forests are cut to meet different requirement of communities. Hence, efforts and money should be used for the betterment of other living creatures.

 Probing ahead, though wild life needs urgent assistance for its survival, people who are deprived of basic amenities such as pure drinking water, shelter and electricity cannot be ignored. There are many regions in Africa and Asian where people struggle to meet their basic needs therefore they should be prioritized. Another reason to invest money for the welfare of human beings is that they can protect animals if they have better resources and time. Otherwise both forms of lives would be in danger.

 All things considered, life in any forms should be saved at any cost. However, more concern is being placed on human being, that think is not fair. The governments and individuals must collaborate to work for animals and well as fellow human.

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