Describe an exciting book you read: March-April Cue Card 2021 : Get 8 Bands

Hello IELTS Aspirants, In this post we are covering an Question Card expected to appear in March – April Examination. We are committed to assist you feel home while taking IELTS Speaking Interview. We are here explaining the cue card so you can prepare your own response with the help of below given explanation. We advice you read the model answer twice or thrice to inculcate the information provided here. If you run through the post, it is not going to help you. Take time and try to go through every sentence in the model answer.

Describe an exciting book you read.

·        Which book it is

·        Who authored it

·        Why you found it interesting /exciting

What you learnt from it.  


·        Reading is one the most important skills that we must possess.

·    Reading books plays very significant role in our life and it opens up our mind to new opportunities, sharpen the mind and improve imagination.

·        Reading books reveals the hidden world and ideas.

·        It is believed that Great Leaders are Great Readers.

·        Recently I have read a book “Start With Why”. This is one of the best books I have ever read. The book has been New York Time bestseller. It has been translated in more the 30 languages.

·        Simon Sinek has authored it.

·        The book reveals the reasons of failure and success we experience in our life.

·        The book tells stronger purpose produces stunning result in all walks of life. If Your Why is clear and it contributes to larger part of the picture or connected to larger than life project, you will be more committed to it. You will invest your blood, tears and sweat to take it where you dream to take it.

·        The book has taught me to look at the bigger picture of the life and how I can contribute to something bitter which can make difference in the society.

·        I am now more committed to my dreams and goals. I firmly believe in my dream. I have also started some projects to help people around me.

Describe an exciting book you read.

·        Which book it is

·        Who authored it

·        Why you found it interesting /exciting

What you learnt from it.  


Model Answer:-


Frankly speaking, I have not been a serious reader; I read when I need to. Here I would like to talk about a read I have recently read. I find it very interesting. The book is “Start With Why”. It is authored by Simon Sinek. Recently I have read a book “Start With Why”. This is one of the best books I have ever read. The book has been New York Time bestseller. It has been translated in more the 30 languages.


The book tells stronger purpose produces stunning result in all walks of life. If Your Why is clear and it contributes to larger part of the picture or connected to larger than life project, you will be more committed to it. You will invest your blood, tears and sweat to take it where you dream to take it.


 Most interesting thing about this book is it teaches practical ways change your life and people around you.


The book has taught and changed me a lot. I am now more committed to my dreams and goals. I firmly believe in my dream. I have also started some projects to help people around me.


In short, I must say that book has been a blessing to me. I am reading more now a days, clarity in my mind about my life and the projects I have.


In this post we have given some readymade sentences that can be used in your speech.

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