Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample - In most of the societies, role of mother and father differs. What are the causes of this difference?

 Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 



In most of the societies, role of mother and father differs. What are the causes of this difference?


 What will be the parental roles in the future?


Model Answer

Undoubtedly the responsibilities of parents have transformed in many ways in recent years. Some communities believe that guardians of children are designed to perform assigned roles only. However both parents play an indispensible role to raise children in positive manner.

Many societies in the world hold a widespread perspective that female parents of the children are considered to stay home and bring the babies up. They perform regular duties such as giving birth feeding, bathing , schooling and playing the child. Especially in remote areas where the illiteracy rate is high women are convinced to accept the beaten track of the society. They are occupied throughout the days and nights to raise their children as per the social norms. Even she is responsible to take care of kitchen work for rest of the family members. Gender discrimination and lack of education keep female bounded to such minimal household works.

One the other hand The duties of male parents are to provide their families with food , shelter , education and other securities. They are supposed to be breadwinners and head of the family. They often don’t help their female partners with domestic chores. But in developed nation men and women enjoy equal privileges and women can choose whether to take care of family affairs or work outside to support the family.  In progressive communities both parents are equally responsible to nurture the family. They often pay for profession helps to be good parents.

In short, in the upcoming times both parents will go to any extent so their children can have a better life in all aspects.

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