IELTS Writing Task 2 – 11 June 2022 - it seems that it will be more difficult to live on the earth

 IELTS Writing Task 2 – 11 June 2022

In the future, it seems that it will be more difficult to live on the earth. Some people think that more money should be spent on researching other planets to live such as the mars.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is true that people have been facing many environmental and social challenges on the earth therefore they claim that life is going to be impossible to the earth in upcoming times. It is better to invest substantial amount of money to find another planets to survive and thrive. I totally refute with the notion.

Changing environmental conditions and population explosion indicate that it is going to be hard to survive on the earth as natural resources are depleting, many disasters occurring and population is on a rise. It is predicted that next generations will suffer a lot to live on the earth because of all these unwanted changed. I believe that’s why, people are of the opinion that a considerable amount of money must be invested to find the possibility of life on other planets in the universe. For example, recent researches revealed that the life may be possible on the mars and could be another home to human beings.

Moving further, I deny the notion that more funds should be allocated to explore the possibility of life on other planets. I believe ,if more money is invested to improve the environmental circumstances, introduce strict policies to control the population, and provide better amenities than there would be no need to find life on any other places in the universe.  For instance, India government diverts more money to plant trees, clean up pollution as well as educate people to follow guidelines if any natural disaster strikes. As a result, people have become more conscious about nature and their actions which harm the nature and its resources. I consider such concept could bring positive outcomes and the earth could be a better place to survive and thrive.

To sum up, it is better to spend money to improve the quality of life rather than wasting money to find life anywhere.

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