Real Exam Writing Task 2 Question – January 2022 - USA | Some people think that when travelers visit other countries for business or vacation they should follow local customs such as table manners, greeting and dress code traditions.

Real Exam Writing Task 2 Question – January 2022 - USA

Some people think that when travelers visit other countries for business or vacation they should follow local customs such as table manners, greeting and dress code traditions.


Do you agree or disagree with the statement. 


Model Answer

The advancement in transportation has increased travelling and people choose to visiting different nations for business and touring purposes more than the past. The host countries expect that visitors regard their cultures and tradition when they come. I agree that visitors should abide by certain cultural practices. 

In my opinion, people who visit other countries for establishing a business or touring should follow the customs and traditions of the natives because this is helpful to build a reliable communication and relation.  The inhabitants of visiting country welcome warmly when they see someone connecting them in local styles. It is often seen that people learn about the language, tradition and common behaviors they have to adapt before landing the country.   Many people visit India and they greet Indians in Hindi and wear traditional dresses this makes locals happy and they offer them many services. However, there are some cultural differences worldwide some may not feel comfortable abiding by the local norms of the host countries.


I also think that the cultural values must be regarded by visitors so that they are well received. If people don’t adhere to the lifestyle of the nation they are visiting, it may not let them mix with the residents, would have to struggle to build positive communication and rapports. But people are intrigued to explore the cultural diversities and don’t hesitate to embrace different countries etiquettes while they are in host nations. It is crucial for those who visit for trade or commercial movements they should enroll themselves in crash courses to learn about the behavior they have to practice.

To summarize, abiding by the dressing style or usual conducts of hosting countries is important to bring people together and exchange the cultural differences and people should follow them.

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