IELTS Writing Task 2 – 17 February 2022 – Morning Slot – India Young people do not spend their holidays and weekends doing outdoor activities like hiking, climbing in natural environment. Why? And how to encourage them go out?

 IELTS Writing Task 2 – 17 February 2022 – Morning Slot – India



Young people do not spend their holidays and weekends doing outdoor activities like hiking, climbing in natural environment. Why? And how to encourage them go out?



Direct Question Essay - Reasons – Why young people don’t go out | Suggestions to motivate them venture out for recreational activities |

It is true that young boys and girls are less intrigued to participate in outdoor games and make time to spend with nature.  I think increasing competition and their inclination towards technology are some of the reasons which influence their behavior. However they can be motivated to involve themselves in recreational activities outside.

Many studies have indicated that young men and women invest their considerable amount of time to develop their skills and gain expertise to stay ahead in the competition that current world poses to them. A majority of young people is occupied with technology by playing games and connecting with their friends and other with the help of social networking websites.  If they have to relax, they choose to browse any website or play games on their mobiles and computers. One of the most contributing factors to this tendency is cut throat and desire to excel in their respective fields.

I believe that young boys and girls can be convinced to venture out and be involved in physical activities.  The educational institutions and the governments should organize sporting and picnic events in which young boys and girls could take part. In India, young boys and girls go to hill stations and try different kinds of modern and tradition sports. The Indian government sponsor their trip for such events so young people could explore the natural beauty. I think these are some of suggestions to motivate adults to spend time with natural environment.

To summarize , in this modern world , young people surround themselves with artificial environment because they have to deal with competition and keep pace with the world. by conducting trips and providing opportunities to explore the natural surroundings they could be encouraged.

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