Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test 2 Questions and Answers | 7 Band Answers | Crack IELTS Free

Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test 2  Questions and Answers | 7 Band Answers | Crack IELTS Free 

Hello Guys , Hope you are doing great , In this post we are going to cover fully speaking test from Cambridge IELTS Book 12 and it is going to be test One.  Try to take time and understand how you can answer in part 1 ,2 and 3. 

Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test 2

Part 1

Did you enjoy singing when you were younger?

I remember that I was not much interesting in singing. I was a huge fan of playing and watching cricket. It is because my elder brother used to talk about this game a lot.

 Yes , I used to sing the songs which I heard on radio or television. My elder brother , younger sister and I would often sit together in the evening and sing songs.

 How often do you sing now?

Yes , when I am in mood , I sing my favorite songs on the top of my voice. But I don’t sing on any occasion when I am asked to. because my voice is not melodious and I sometimes reshuffle the lyrics.

 Do you have a favorite song you like listening to?

Definitely sir , some songs are close to my heart. Whenever I get sad and don’t feel emotionally well. I play my favorite songs list on my mobile phone. When I hit the sack , I do listen some songs.

 How important is singing in your culture?

Yes , singing is an integral part of every culture and tradition in my country.  There are some folk songs and rhymes played on several occasion. In marriage , we often come to listen old and traditional songs , which are meaningful and narrate importance of marriage.

IELTS Speaking Test Questions and Answers | Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test -1 - New!

 Part 2 Cue Card

Describe a film /movie actor from you country who is very popular.


You should say:-

Who this actor is

What kinds of films / movies he/she acts in

What you know about this actor’s life

And explain why this actor is so popular


I am not a big fan of cinema and movies, yet I make time to watch popular movies released in my native language. My nation has produced many great actors and actresses. They have won the heart of their fans and audience. People in my country are diehard fans of Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan , Akshay Kumar , Kajol , Aishwariya Rai and many more. But the popularity that Amitabh Bachchan has enjoyed is beyond imagination.

 He is household name in India, He has been active in the industry for more than 50 years. He has acted in many blockbuster movies. Earlier, he used to play a romantic hero and young angry man. As time passed, he played some unconventional role and amazed his fans and critics.

 To have a glance on his life, he worked really hard to succeed in entertainment industry and many times he was rejected. But he did not give up and continued to improve his acting skills.  His father was a famous Hindi poet and he motivated his to be an actor.

Things , which make his so popular in India, his ability to take up any role and give his best performance. His voice is so nice that people love listening to his dialogues. He is cool, calm and collected and believes in doing his best. Moreover, he has a dynamic personality and he is 6 feet tall.  These virtues of him make a household name in India.  


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 Part 3 Discussion Questions

Watching films / movies

 What are the most popular types of films in your country?

People in my country are fond of watching movies which narrate or show important historical incidents, or films made on real lives of people and some action thrillers also. Young men and women love watching inspirational and romantic movies.  Recently a movie made on life and struggle of a scientist was blockbuster. Some years ago a movie titled Bhag Milkha Bhag was super hit . it was made on the life of World famous India Sprinter Milkha Singh. These types of movies are popular in my nation.

 What is the difference between watching a film in the cinema and watching a film at home?

It is ambiance that makes all the difference , In cinema we feel more entertained and delighted than watching a movie at home. We can enjoy add cinematic scenes , graphic and voice modulation which is not possible at home. At home , we get disturbed many times while watching a film.

 Do you think cinemas will close in the future?

I believe that cinemas are going to be more popular in the future. Because of rising interest of people in entertainment and advancement in technology , cinemas and theatre are already using quality picture motion and sound quality . in the future it will be more enhanced and people will be more thrilled while matching a movie. So I would say that cinemas are not going to close in the future.


How important is the theatre in your country?

Well , I have never been to any theatre so for.  My grandfather often tells me  that theatres are the house of showcasing real talent and events. He used to watch my live dramas and plays  when theatres were popular. But the popularity at present has gone very down.

 How strong a tradition is it today in your country to go to the theatre?

In many schools and colleges . theatre is taken very seriously. Every year , students participate in many dramas and plays. I have never had a chance to experience theatre.  If I get a chance , I would definitely take advantage of it. many people say that theatres  were very popular in previous times. They were the platform to inform and educate people  about social evil and bad practices.

 Do you think the theatre should be run as a business or as a public service?

It should be both ,but the objective should be to educate people what’s going around. And theatres can do it well than any other means of entertainment. People who are the part of theatres , should be paid good amount of money so they don’t feel burdened. If they are given a salary , they will be dedicated to their work.

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