IELTS Speaking Test Questions and Answers | Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test -1

Hello Guys , Hope you are doing great , In this post we are going to cover fully speaking test from Cambridge IELTS Book 12 and it is going to be test One.  Try to take time and understand how you can answer in part 1 ,2 and 3.

IELTS Speaking Test Questions and Answers | Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test -1 , IELTS Speaking 7 Band , IELTS Speaking Tips and Vocabulary 

Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test -1

Part 1 –  Part one goes for 4-5 minutes, it is called introduction part , you will asked question related to your education , hobbies , likes , dislikes , dreams and so on-

To get better score , try to answer every question well , don’t answer in yes or no , try to explain in 3-4 lines logically. Explanation is key to score high


Is it important to you to have healthy food?

Definitely , I am a health conscious person and I choose my food carefully. I avoid eating oil and unhygienic food because they are detrimental for health. I mostly eat green vegetables, nuts and sprouts to have a better health.

If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better?

In the winter season, I often get cold. I mostly take hot water and herbal tea to feel better. If it continues than I go to doctor for medication.

Do you pay attention to public health information?

Yes, it is very important to have a eye on health related news and information run by health department. During Covid period, I tried to pay close attention to such information which could keep me safe 

What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?

I think, there is a lot to do for having a disease free body and balanced life. Firstly, taking exercise and secondly, having a healthy diet are going to be part of my day-to-day life so I could keep myself alive and kicking.

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Cambridge IELTS Book 15- Speaking Test –2 : Questions and Answers : 8 Band Response

Part 2 Cue Card – in this part – Examiner gives a Card on this a topic is written , it is called Cue Card. You will be given a sheet and a pencil to prepare the topic. You will have one minute to prepare and you have to speak for two minute on it.  in this part , don’t stop before two minute , speak in flow and add a story to make you speech long and interesting.

Describe an occasion when you had to wait for a long time for someone or something to arrive.


You should say :-

Who or what you were waiting for

How long you had to wait

Why you had to wait for a long time

And explain how you felt about waiting for a long time.


Frankly speaking, I don’t like waiting for something or someone. I also don’t want anybody to wait for me. I have been in the situation when I had to wait for people to arrive and things to happen.

Last month, I waited for my friend for more than 6 hours on the airport and it really frustrated me. Dinesh Kumar is one of my closes friends and he lives in USA. One day he called me and told that he is coming to India and I should be there on the airport to receive him. I got excited and promised him to be there before he lands.

On the day of his arrival, I reached airport and waited for his call. But I did not receive any voice call or message. I tried his number many times but could not connect.  About two hours passed than I went to inquiry desk and tried to get some information about my friend’s flight. I came to know that the plane got delayed and would arrive 5 hours late. It really frustrated me.

I was thinking lot of thoughts in my mind and finally and sat in the corner and starting watching a movie. I watched 2 movies and had some snacks while waiting for my friend.  Finally , I got a call from my friend as he landed.

I received him and got mad on him. I would say that waiting is very tough task and we have to wait in my situation. I think , we should use that time productively.

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 Part 2 Discussion Questions

 In what kinds of situations should people always arrive early?

Well , people have to wait for several things on many occasions. I often see people waiting when their train is late. They don’t have any alternative than waiting. Students have to wait for their result if it delays they become mad.  I think , it is the part of our daily life , we have to wait for something or someone.


How important it is to arrive early in your country?

Yes , people try to be early when they are asked to. most of the people don’t like being late in my country. If they get late ,  it is considered lack of seriousness.  When it comes to legal and educational services , people try to make it on the time if not early. My mother often advises me to go early if I have to go anywhere.

 How can modern technology help people arrive early?

Yes , travelling and arriving early has become convenient nowadays. We can set an alarm to remind us to go early. We have plenty of vehicles which can take us where we want. Early , people did not have such facilities to help them  reach their destination early. They had to make it hardly. But these days , it is effortless to be on the time.

 Being patient

What kinds of jobs require the most patience?

I believe teachers, doctors and farmers need to be very patient. Their job demands the most patience they can have.  In teaching profession, teachers have to deal with frustrated and spoilt child patiently, some in medical profession , the doctors  is supposed to be patient so he could treat the ailing person. Farmers wait for 5-6 months to get the reward of their work.

 Is it always better to be patient in work or studies?

I think , job and studies require a lot of patience. When I was struggling with mathematics I had to practice and lot to get good at it. it really tested my patient. So , I can say that we need lot of patience whether it is study or work.

 Do you agree or disagree that the older people are, the more patient they are ?

Yes , it is true that as people become mature or older , they can wait and keep patience because they have learnt how to keep waiting. They also have practiced their patience. I think that’s why our older teach use to keep patience and wait for right time. For young people, waiting is irritating they don’t want to wait.

IELTS Speaking Test Questions and Answers | Cambridge IELTS Book 12 Speaking Test -1 , IELTS Speaking 7 Band , IELTS Speaking Tips and Vocabulary 

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