IELTS Writing Task 2 – 20 August 2022 – Evening Slot – India

 IELTS Writing Task 2 – 20 August 2022 – Evening Slot – India

 Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem?

The fact cannot be neglected that young learners are struggling to concentrate while they are studying at school and it has become a serious issue for parents and educational institutions.  There are many reasons behind this problem. However, it can be overcome by the efforts of care takers and teachers of young pupils.

To commence with , many media reports and academic performance of school goers indicate that young learners  are unable to focus and actively participate in classrooms and it is a growing concern for guardians and schools.  Lacking of concentration has many reasons; however, majors obstructions are lack of sleep, participation in physical exercise and excessive intake of unhygienic food. To explain it , it has been medically proved that children who don’t sleep 8-9 hours or spend more time with their gadgets or devices as well as   teenagers who  consume more fast food are unable to concentrate at schools. I believe that’s why students are finding it hard to concentrate at schools.

Probing ahead, Lack of concentration at school is a serious issue and it must be tackled aptly. Parents must pay attention to this issue and collaborate with schools to overcome it. Many effective steps can be initiated, such as parents can encourage their children to be involved in any games or sports. They should set a time to sleep and wake up. Moreover, the teachers must interact with students who are facing problem to focus, classes should be practical so students can take part and feel involved.  Education institution should hold lectures encourage young students to have healthy eating habits. I think, these steps could help solve this problem to great degree.

To summarize, falling concentration in studies is serious problem faced by many students at schools these days. Parents and teachers must take mentioned steps to overcome this pressing problem.

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