Cambridge IELTS Book 15- Speaking Test-3: 8 Band Response

 Cambridge IELTS Book 15- Speaking Test-3: 8 Band Response

Speaking Part- 1


How did you learn to swim when you were a child?

Frankly speaking, swimming was a hobby that we friend would enjoy the most when I was child. I learnt swimming from my brother who took us to the pond and made us swim. I would imitate how he swam and learn swimming.

How often do you go swimming now? Why? Why not?

In summer season we enjoy swimming a lot. There are some canals and ponds of fresh and chilled water. We go there almost all weekend to bath and swim. It has been since we were kind.  During summer we come here to get rid of heat.

What places are there for swimming where you live? Why?

Yes there are many places to swim. The canals and ponds are built in way that anybody can bath and swim. There is a pool that was built couple of years back. The canal the crosses my village is main place where we often go. Ponds were very old but well maintained by administration for people of my area. The canal is for agricultural purpose.

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Do you think it would be more enjoyable to go swimming outdoors or at indoor pool? Why?

I think indoor pools are better place to enjoy swimming than any outdoor spots. Most of outside places are multipurpose not designed for swimming recreation and may lead to drowning and sliding . Pools are safer to swim. People can come there with family.


" Cambridge IELTS Book 15- Speaking Test-3: 8 Band Response"

Speaking Part-2

Describe a famous business person you know about.

Who this person is

What kind of business this person is involved in

What you know about this business person

And explain what you think of this business person.

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Describe a business person that you know: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Model Answer-

 As a business management student I read the biographies and auto biographies of prominent business people who transformed the world around them. There are numbers of people I admire and want to make a difference like them. Here I would like to talk about a business man I know personally and we have healthy family relation.


He is Mr. Krishan Lal. He deals Real Estate; locally we call him property dealer. When he started he did not have much amount of money he worked in office as an attendant. He worked very hard and invested his maximum time learning about this business and within 2 years he emerged as one of the most successful business person of the town. Later he started his own venture with some of his peers.

Before tasting the success in real estate he did not own any piece of land today he owns 2 showrooms and 5 shops in the heart of the city. He works tirelessly and motivates others to do so. If I talk about his educational qualification he is just high school pass out but his success and behavior tells other story. I personally know him and he never misses any chances of learning. He invests time and money upgrading his skills to be more successful in upcoming time.

We often get together on festivals and other family occasions and I try to ask him about the secrets of his schools and he always says integrity, hard work and self-education. His story is inspiriting and he has been invited in TV shows and newspapers cover his story so people can be inspired. In the end I must say that the guy loves his work and people who work with him.  

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 Discussion Topic- Famous People

What kinds of people are famous in your country today?

Name and fame is no more associated to any specific field. There are many people rising to name and fame from various fields.  In my country film starts, sports persons, politicians and business people make to limelight. People from entertainment industry and sports are famous among young people. Politicians are now a day’s getting more followers today than ever. There is a certain group of people who follow business people who have risen from nothing. Their stories and struggles make them talk of town and earn them some popularity.

Why are there so many stories about famous people in news?

Story is medium to communicate what one has to say. People who come to lime light , have done something that can inspire people. That’s why journalists cover the stories of popular people. With help of story they can get more popular. Some stories are cooked up to gain popularity than making any valid point.  We often see many journalists and social media influencers give hype to stories to gain more followers.  That’s the reason we often come across many stories of famous people today.

Do you agree or disagree that many young people today want to be famous?

I totally agree that young generation is after name and fame today. They believe that popularity can transform their live. They try to be like their role models who seem to enjoy popularity and luxurious life style. I have seen young boys and girls lead unethical ways to be famous that defame them. Fame is good it is earned though good ways.


Topic – Advantages of being Famous

Do you think it is easy for famous people to earn a lot of money?

Certainly, people who are famous make more money.  Film stars and sports people make lot of money through sponsorships. They often appear in many advertisements and commercials promoting various products and services. In my country cricketers are paid too much money for endorsing any service and products. There are many famous people get paid for making appearance in any programs.

Why might famous people enjoy having fans?

It is true that famous people are joyful when they organize many fan festivals to meet and enjoy with their fans. People go to attend many concerts and live events to cheer up who they follow. I think it is an addiction also. If you feel that your fan following is getting lower than it may disturb your life in direct way. To maintain and increase fans number famous people make interactions with people to enjoy.

In what ways could famous people use their influence to do good things in the world?

Pandemic is latest example where famous people played a crucial role to aware people about its spread and precaution. In my country, celebrities came forward to help needy and they provided them with foods and money.  Many business people, film stars and sports persons donated to ease the lives of people. They even appealed their followers to help those who are in need.

There are some remote areas where water and electricity is not available to overcome this challenge some famous people have started a campaign to raise funds to solve such issues to bring people in mainstream. I think famous people can play a huge role to eradicate any kinds of social issue people are facing.

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