Cambridge IELTS Book 8 Speaking Test-3 Questions and Answers

Cambridge IELTS Book 8 Speaking Test-3 Questions and Answers

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Part -1


Do you like to have flowers in your home? Why? Why not?

Yes, I love to have flowers in my home as I come from agricultural family. I have successfully learnt to grow many kinds of flower plants. I have rose, marigold, jasmine and so on in my home. Flowers give pleasant experience to us and help us to feel better when we have flowers to see.

Where would you go to buy flowers? Why?

There are many florists in my town who import flowers from wide and far. Whenever I am to buy flowers I approach them. There are some farmers in rural areas who grow seasonal flowers I often go there to buy the flowers.

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On what occasion would you give someone flowers?

Flowers are not only associated to marital or love proposal but they have cultural significance also. In my culture we worship to God by offering flowers.  The lotus and rose is considered most revered flowers in my tradition as we believe that lotus is related to the Goddess of wealth and the rose for healthy relationship.

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Are flowers important in your culture? Why? Why not?

As I have mentioned flowers are valued a lot in my tradition. We offer flowers in the worship and prayers. When it comes to celebration we decorate our houses with different kinds of flowers. The lotus is offered to Goddess of wealth, we believe that lotus belongs to money and other materialistic prosperity. While Rose and other red flowers about health and relationship.


"Cambridge IELTS Book 8 Speaking Test-3 Questions and Answers"

Part -2 Question Card

Describe a meeting you remember going to at work, college and or school.

You should say:-

When and where the meeting was held

Who was at the meeting?

What the people at meeting talked about and explain why you remember going to this meeting.

Model Answer

In my opinion, attending meetings is crucial to gain skills and knowledge.  I have been the part of many meetings at school, college and where I presently work as an English Language Trainer at Everest Institute in the heart of our town. The meeting was held in the conference hall of our institution. Recently we had a meeting that I would share with you here. Due to pandemic, governments are imposing restrictions on the functioning of all types of private and public organizations.

Viewing the current situation the management of our institution conducted a meeting to set up new rules and working hours.  The meeting was headed by top members and teachers and trainers. In the meeting we discussed many points and finally decided to work online so we could help students stay motivated.

We were given the formal training of how to teach online effectively and grab the attention of students. We learnt how to use zoom application and conduct meetings on it.

In the meeting we all decided to abide by rules and teach others to do the same. We were requested to convince students to stay home and follow the guidelines released by the government and provide help to the people in need. But the main theme of the meeting was to conduct classes online and keep students connected to their studies. I would say that I was tough but necessary. I grabbed all the points and learnt to operate zoom application and its function.  In the end I would say that I was a good meeting that did not bore us.

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Part -3

Discussion Questions

Going to meetings

What are the different types of meeting that people often go?

There are many types of meetings people attend these days. I have seen people being the part of meetings conducted at work and by Government.  People who are working, often go to the meetings. Such meetings are crucial to discuss several points that may help the organization and people working there.  I have attended some informal meetings conducted in the community hall of my town where we discussed social evils and their eradications. Elected members who are the part of governments are bound to attend meetings because in the meetings they talk about policies and their implementations.

Some people say that no-one likes going to meetings – what do you think?

I don’t think so that people are not interested in taking part in meetings. People go to meetings because meetings give them chance to learn and voice their opinions. I also agree that some people don’t like to attend meetings it is because they are not inclined to the topic that people are going to take in the meetings. Or they are not aware that this meeting is beneficial for them. In my town people take part in all kinds of meetings as per the interest. Senior citizens conduct meetings for the improvement of the society and talk to officials.

Why can it sometimes be important to go to meetings?

In my opinions meetings always have something important to talk about.  There are some informal meetings that may not be crucial.  We take part in the meetings that matter to us and people we work.  To conduct meetings we are to manage a special time and resource so we cannot afford to waste all this. One more thing is this that meetings are not frequent we go to meetings twice or thrice in a month. When we go to meetings we are to compromise with the work we are already doing so meetings cannot be conducted to talk about something that is not important.

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International meetings

Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together?

Meetings are important for leaders, we often see on television that leaders conduct meetings frequently to discus many things that matter to us.  In such meetings political and other leaders decide what they can do to improve the area they are taking up in the meeting. National and international leaders discuss topics such as economy, health, education, sports and so on. It has become important to come together and conduct meetings to resolve issue people are facing.

What possible difficulties might be involved in organizing meeting between world leaders?

There may be many difficulties occur while organizing a meeting between international leaders. There may be clash of times, some may be busy or others may be available to attend meetings. It is sometimes difficult to bring world leaders together because of vested interests. The discussion that meeting may take up may be the interest of certain nations while others choose to opt out. Boarder issues also make it difficult to bring world leaders together for a meeting.

Do you think meetings between international leaders will become more frequent in the future? Or will there be less need for world leaders to meet?

I foresee that meetings are going to more frequent in near future. The world is like a village and we are all connected to one another.  There are many issues to be taken up internationally, such issues effect that world economically and physically.  Presently we see international leaders meet to discuss about various matters that need to address timely. In the growing world global meetings by international leaders can pave a way to safer and better world.

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