IELTS Writing Task 2 – 29 January 2022 – India - Some people believe that the police force carrying guns encourage a higher number of violence in the society.

 IELTS Writing Task 2 – 29 January 2022 – India

Some people believe that the police force carrying guns encourage a higher number of violence in the society.


To what extent do you agree or disagree.


Model Answer -   (274 Words)

The men and women employed in security forces keep armaments to deter the criminals. However, a majority of people think that this provokes people to brutality in the communities.   I totally refute the opinion held by some individuals.

To begin with, the security forces carry various kinds of weapons to sustain peace and tranquility because they are trained to handle worst conditions professionally. The police men and women go through intense period of training under disciplined and experienced coaches before they are armed with guns. Many occurrences of violence have been reported internationally in which the police played a significant role to control even without using weapons. I believe the guards are provided with firearms to safeguard masses as well as themselves but not to instigate violence in the society.

It has been reported multifarious times when security forces were attacked by terrorists when they were unarmed. There are many terrorist affected areas where keeping artillery is mandatory to save lives and prevent unwanted incidents. I think, it is exception when the police officers involve themselves in violent activities therefore it cannot be termed that keeping guns by armed forces increase violence in the society. They are trusted and cooperated by common men and women in the society so crimes and criminals stay away. The armed forces and individuals can collectively play a crucial role to decrease the crimes and overcome any violent protest or incident.

To summarize, the police men and women use weapons to safeguards civilians from wrongdoers. They are not permitted to use guns to harm. I think, it is unrealistic to believe that keeping guns by guards may instigate violence.

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