Recently Asked IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 – January 2022 – New Zealand | Topic Education and Crime

 Recently Asked IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 – January 2022 – New Zealand


Some studies have shown that most criminals lack education. Because of this, many believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate prisoners so they find work after release.


Do you agree or disagree with statement.                                       


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The fact cannot be denied that mostly offenders come from the areas where illiteracy rate is high.  Some people think that formal education and training may help reduce crimes and lawbreakers lead a normal life.

Some researchers have indicated that people who are deprived of literacy and formal training commit themselves to carry out illegal activities because they lack patience, understanding and control over their natural tendencies. For example, in African countries, people are involved in many criminal activities; Especially Somalian pirates consider the sea their ancestral property and loot the ships. These people are not provided with opportunities to educate themselves and be the part of progressive societies. Many people lead a wrong path in order to meet their day –to-day needs because they are not employable.

I believe that inmates can be reformed if they are provided with educational opportunities and skills that enable them earn livelihood. In India , the governments conduct many religious and formal training  programs to transform the mentality of offenders.  Even prisoners are allowed to study and appear in any exams the cost of their education is born by the jail administration and the central governments. Many of them take the full advantage of this life changing opportunity. They invest their time learning new skills which help them find a work outside or become self – employed after coming out of the prisons. In simple words, education can play an indispensable role in reducing crimes and prepare wrongdoers to live in the society.

To conclude, there is reduction in the crimes where people gain formal education and training therefore the inmates must be given chances to learn and earn to lead a smother life.

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