IELTS Writing Task 2 – Real Exam Question Appeared in January – Place – Hong Kong -Some people think that the key to solving environmental issue is simple


IELTS Writing Task 2 – Real Exam Question Appeared in January – Place – Hong Kong


Some people think that the key to solving environmental issue is simple. The current generation is willing to accept a less comfortable life for the sake of the next generation.


Do you agree or disagree with the statement 


Model Answer: -


The world has been facing multifarious (Many) climate change problems and the environment is constantly changing. I believe that most of such issues are man-made therefore the people today (these days) have taken many preventative measurements to mitigate climate change. They have adjusted their ways to provide healthy environmental conditions to the world after us.



      Body Paragraph 1

The fact cannot be denied that depleting natural resources, increasing temperatures, melting glaciers and deteriorating air and edible (drinking) water quality have become severe (serious) issues. It is predicted that the next generation may not have clean water to drink and fresh air to breathe hence the world seem to simplify their ways of living to curb ( solve) the global warming. Especially young boys and girls are coming forward and appealing (requesting) to take cognizance of the activities that harm the nature. Recently a young environment activist named Greta Thunberg urged international leaders to work collectively ( together ) to solve this global issue.


 Body Paragraph 2

Many countries regularly launch campaigns to train volunteers to protect the natural resources and manage the solid wastes. In India, the students opt for environmental studies mandatorily (Must) and they are assigned (given) certain projects such as planting and watering trees, cleaning the canals, rivers and public places. The usage of plastic bags and unsustainable material is outlawed (prohibited, banned) at many places. People now practice fewer use of transportation, electronic machines and fuels though such lifestyle bother them in many areas.



In short,  I agree that the collective efforts  have been taken to solve the problem of global warming , still we have to go extra miles and control over the way we live so next generation have less environmental crisis to deal with.


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