How to improve IELTS Reading | Best Tips to Improve Your IELTS Score in Reading Module

How to improve IELTS Reading

Reading is one of the most challenging modules of IELTS. Many test takers claim that it has become bit more challenging after Covid.  They reveal that IDP has started serving more text in passages and font size is decreased.

However, Reading can be overcome and desired scored achieved. To score more than 6 band , the candidates have to change their approach. In this post , we are sharing some tried and tested practices which you can adopt to get comfortable at IELTS Writing.


Let’s dive in

The first approach to tackle IELTS Reading is comprehension – If you try to deal with IELTS Reading by using tips and tricks suggested by teachers and YouTubers , you are going to suck. Because these tips and tricks are not going to work for you,  unless or until you don’t understand at least 60% information given in the passage. If you just make 40% of text , you will fail to find required information.  So , What you should do is to improve you understanding what is written in passages.

You have to work on reading comprehension. Take 3-4 minutes to run through the passages. After that reading every single questions carefully and underline key words. Try to comprehend what the passage is about and What are questions asking you to answer.

Apart from this , Reading topic oriented articles in Newspapers and Magazines. Select topics related to science , medical , finance and so on. This is going to help you learn words and collocations. Overall , it will help you understand Reading Passages Better !

The second most effective approach , which require patience is – Read one Reading Passages in 30 minutes and try to correct at least 9-10 Questions. Do this unless you reach this target. It may take some time but you should stick to it.

When you are able to correct 9-10 , Add one more passage to your practice. Now you have two passages in 60 minutes.  And Your target is to correct 18-22 in both passages in given 1 hour.  Keep practicing for at least a week.  After this , Add third passage to your practice , You revised target  is to read all 3 passages in 60 minutes. And Keep practicing for at least 10 days.

Both approaches are practice but required patience. If you are able to carry out both tips for at least 3-4 weeks,  Your Reading Score is bound to improve. Because many students have tried and achieved required score in IELTS.

Hope , You are going to practice both approaches.

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