IELTS Writing Task 2 - October 2022 - Employers should focus on personality over qualification and experience when choosing someone for job

Employers should focus on personality over qualification and experience when choosing someone for job. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

 Recruiting a right candidate is challenging for almost every organization. However, many employers put more emphasis on personality rather than educational training and work experience when they hire someone for a position in the workplace. I totally refute this notion and believe that experience and educational training make a person better worker.

 Despite the fact, qualification and experience play significant role to be successful at workplace. Many leaders in companies give preference outer and inner virtues of the one who is being hired. I think this concept is not always ideal because it increases the chances of failure in offices. That’s why I disagree with the concept of offering a job to the candidate just because of his personality. Many people who appear to be compromising and intelligent but they don’t really perform better due to lack of qualification and work related experience.

 Whereas, qualified people have knowledge and set of skills which is prerequisite to work in any organization. They have invested their time studying particular subjects and honed specific skills to be a better worker. Additionally, their experience proves them confidence to carry out certain tasks accurately and successfully. Therefore, prioritizing educational training and time spent doing a specific task must be considered when businesses hire someone for their company.  for example , if a nurse is hired at hospital just because of her personality not for her qualification and skills , it may later lead to chaos. Because she is not able to give injection to the patient and carry out other complex medical formalities. So qualification and experience should be considered when a candidate is recruited.

 To conclude, employers must consider what the candidate has done previously before hiring him for a job. Personal traits are also significant but they cannot win over experience and education.

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