IELTS Writing Task 2 - Topic - Health - Ideas and Vocabulary


1.  Should health care be free or people should pay for it.

Health care – looking after health, take care of health

Some useful vocabulary words the essay – Health care services, medical facilities, health check-ups , mental health , physical health , emotion health,


Why it should be free

Why it should not be free

Must be free for individuals

It is the constitutional responsibility of authorities.

Many people cannot afford expensive / costly treatments of deadly / chronicle diseases

To promote healthy living among the citizens

It increases financial burden on governments

It encourages people to be dependent on authorities

People should pay for the medical services for that they use.

This is moral and ethical to pay



2.     Should health care and education be free or people should pay themselves

Vocabulary -Health care services, medical facilities, health check-ups , mental health , physical health , emotion health,

Why to be free

Why not

1. Educational and health care services must be provided.

2. This philanthropic act of government encourages people to be healthy and advance/ progress in educational sectors.

3. People become conscious about their health and career.

4. A majority of people cannot pay for better education and medical facilities.

5. therefore, such services should be provided freely.


1.     It imbalances national economy

2.     Increases financial burden / pressure on authorities

3.     It must be their personal responsible to pay for education.

4.     Those who can afford must pay for education and health services so they don’t add to economical burden of nation.


3.     Some people say that the public funds should be spent on promoting healthy living  rather on the treatment of people who are ill.

Public funds – money collected from taxpayers,

Spend – invest , use

Promote – encourage , enhance

Healthy living – healthy habits , healthy lifestyle


For improving health of people


It has become the priority healthy lifestyle should be promoted.

 Such investment encourages people to be health conscious ,

 the community become mentally , physically and emotionally health

 fewer people fall ill.

Healthy communities contribute significantly to the development of nation.

 Ill people cannot be ignored/ overlooked .

 if they are not treated , more people may fall

 many diseases are contagious so it is important  to cure people who are suffering from many diseases.

 the authorities should be liable to provide better medical care to suffering patients to make a healthy society.


4.     Nowadays , people are consuming more and more sugar –based drinks . why is this happening and what are the solutions for this?

People – individuals, men and women, community

Sugar-based drinks – sweeteners , added sugar products , candy , sweets and packaged juices , beverage

Why people consume sugar


Intake of sugar in daily diet of people has increased manifolds.

Sugar added drinks are readily available and can be preserved for weeks.

People are unaware / unconscious of detriment effects of such foods

Their modern lifestyle encourages them to consume such beverage

Educate people to figure out negative effects of excessive intake of sugar through juices, cold drinks and other sweeteners.

Must return to natural drinks which have low sugar properties.

Must prepare such drinks by themselves or buy which have low sugar.


5.     Should government make laws regarding nutrition and healthy living or it is a matter of personal choice and responsibility.

Government – authorities, law makers, administration , governing body

Healthy lifestyle – healthy improving habits , healthy habits

Yes , the Law can work

Should be a personal choice

There must be laws that regulate and examine the quality of foods being sold to people.

It discourages to those who sell in unhealthy food items.

      It may be great approach to     improve the health of people as a community.

People must be the master of their will.

Authorities can educate them but it should be up to people to choose what they want to consume.

It is rather a personal decision than an obligation.



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