IELTS Speaking Interview Questions – January 2022 | Recently Asked IELTS Speaking Questions | IELTS Speaking Latest Test Sample

IELTS Speaking Interview Questions – January 2022


1.       IELTS Speaking Test – January 2022 – Hong Kong

Part 1

Do you often write notes?

Do you make lot of notes on your phone?

When do you usually make notes?

Is it common in your country people taking notes?

When did you take notes last time?


Part 2

Talk about a food you tried but did not like it

You should say

What was it?

Where you tried this food

Why did you not like it ?

And explain whether you would try it  again ?


Part 3

Are family meals common in your country?

Is fast food always unhealthy?

Do you think junk food will be more popular in the future?

Is food an integral part of your culture?

Do people pay too much attention to food?


2.       Speaking Test in Singapore – January 2022

Part 1

Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

What time of the year did you like most as a child?

Do you usually pay attention to weather forecasts?

Has the weather changed a lot in your country in recent years?


Part 2

Describe your favorite city or the city you visited and liked it

Please say

What this city is

When you visited it

Why did you visited it

And explain that you like / liked most about the city


Part 3

In your opinion what makes a city a good place to live in

What are the major benefits of living in the city?

What are the negative effects of living in crowded city, according to you?

How can Governments improve living standards in overcrowded cities?

What about air quality ? what kinds of initiatives can people take to improve air quality?


3.       IELTS Speaking Test January 2022 – UK and India

Part 1

How do you spend your time?

What do you usually do in the evening?

Do you like to go out with your friends in the evening?

What do you think about working at night is good or bad?


Part 2

Talk about a time when you shared something with other

Please tell me

What you shared

When you shared

Why you shared

And explain how you felt sharing it


Part 3

Do you think it is important to share your feeling with others?

Why do some people like to share their feeling with others?

What will be the consequences if children don’t share their feeling or views?

How do you feel being with others?

How can parents and teachers teach young children to volunteer?


4.       Speaking Test in Australia

Part 1

Have you ever taken a boat ride?

Do you like travelling by boat?

Do people like to travel by boat in your country?

Will it be more popular in the future?


Part 2

Describe a time when your whole family got together

Please tell me

Where you met

What you did together

How long time did you spend together

And explain what you liked about getting together?


Part 3

Is family important in your country?

In your opinion, who should be responsible for the care of senior citizen?

Has the size of average family changed in your country over the past few decades?

Do you think family will change in the future? 

What is the role of different roles of family members? Should husband and wife play different roles in the family?


5.       Recently Asked IELTS Speaking Test – January 2022 – Philippines


Part 1

Do you like reading books? Why?

Which book would you prefer on a long journey? Why

Is it easy for you to read books in English?

What kind of books people like to read and dislike reading?


Part -2

Talk about a famous cuisine from your hometown or country?

Please tell me

What it looks like?

What it tastes like

When and how often it is eaten?


Part 3

What kinds of food do people like to eat in your country?

What about exotic food? What kind of exotic foods are popular in your country?

Is it important to eat with your family in your country?

Is the food better now than before?

Do you think our diet is important?

How do current eating habits differ from those in the past?


6.       IELTS Speaking Test - January 2022 – India


Let’s talk about bicycle riding

Did you ever ride a bicycle?

Is it convenient to ride a bike in your country?

Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?

Can you think of any people who are not suited to riding a bicycle?

Has the number of bicycle riders in your country changed much in the past few years?

What are the safe places to ride a bicycle in your hometown?


Part 2

Describe a day in the near future that would be the best day in your life?


You should say :

What would you do on this day?

Where would you be?

And explain how would you feel on this day?



Part 3

How do people in your country celebrate important events?

Do they spend a lot of money on these celebrations?

In your opinion, is it necessary to spend money in order to maintain a friendship?

Do you think most people have a main goal in their life?

Do you think it is good to have goals in life?

What are you goals?

How hard is it to keep trying to achieve your goals or ideas?

Do you think failing to achieve a goal is a serious matter?


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