IELTS Writing Task 2 – January 2022 – United States- Some people believe that famous people can help international humanitarian organizations draw attention to important issue.

IELTS Writing Task 2 – January 2022 – United States

Some people believe that famous people can help international humanitarian organizations draw attention to important issues. While others think that celebrities can make problems less important.

 Do you agree or disagree with the statement. 

Model Answer      (289 Words)

 The world has been facing several issues and majority of men and women consider that renowned personalities can assist philanthropic corporations’ aware people about key problems. I agree that they can play a crucial role to influence people pay attention to global crisis.

 It is true that prominent personalities influence people directly and indirectly in many ways and they are capable of bringing issues to people’s notice effectively because they are heard and followed by many people. In other words, they can spread the information quickly to large number of people. It is often seen that many corporations invite athletes, entertainers and political leaders to raise the issue globally. They take part in campaigns to inform and educate people about diseases, poor nutrition, child labor, environmental issues and educational program. They deploy their expertise like singers by concerts, sports-persons by playing charity matches and the leaders by their speeches and rallies.


The renowned people always stand with the world and contribute in many ways. There are many instances when they led from the front and helped organizations financially.  For example, India had higher numbers of polio affected children by birth. The Indian government nominated Amitabh Bachchan to be an ambassador to away people about the ailment. He would often speak to people through television advertisements and promotion. People responded him and India is now polio free nation. Presently influential persons have been urging people abide by Covid protocol. I don’t agree that their participation may decrease the gravity of any issue.


To summarize, those who are followed by people can play a significant role to take cognizance of the problems and be the part of initiatives launched by philanthropic organizations. They must be approached to be the part of social causes.

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