IELTS Speaking Test – 25 January 2022 – United States | Describe a time when you helped someone

 IELTS Speaking Test – 25 January 2022 – United States


 What is your name?

 My name is ……………………..

 Where are you from?                               

 I come from ……………… part of my country. I live in ……………………..

 Do you work or Study?

 I do both , I study ………….. in …………….. I also work part time ………………. to meet my expenses.

 How do you listen to music?

 Mostly , I enjoy listening to music in my mobile phone. Sometimes I watch video songs on Television. At night I put on the ear phone and listen to my favorite piece of music and song.

 When do you listen to music?

 Well, I while away / idle away my free time listening to newly released songs and tunes. On weekends I have ample to listen to music or watch movies. I would say that almost every night I listening to music before I hit the sack.

 What’s your favorite kind of music?

 In general, I listen to Hindi pop songs sung by my favorite singers. I feel comfortable listening to meaningful songs which convey a message Or portray any special emotions that can be expressed in words.

 Is music an important subject at primary schools in your country?

 No , it is not. Young boys and girls have a choice to study music after secondary education. In primary schools some fundamental subjects are taught like, Math, History, Language and Drawing.

 What kinds of songs are most popular in your country?

 People in my country love listening to romantic, patriotic and religious songs. Currently men and women are intrigued to love songs more. They imagine themselves when they listen to such songs.


Part 2


Describe a time when you helped someone

Please tell me

When you helped

How you helped

 Why you helped

And explained your feelings after you helped the person.


Helping is one the virtues that everyone possesses and we help each others in many direct and indirect ways. Here I would like to take about a time when I bought some books for a boy who was preparing for high school exams. If I guess, it was, I think two years ago. I met him when I was strolling in the park and he was setting alone and lost in his thoughts. I sat beside him and asked him if he is ok.


He told me that he lost his books while travelling and he is afraid to ask money for books from his father. The exams were close and he did not want to fail tests just because of books. I was moved whatever he told me.  I decided to help the guy so we went to a stationery shop and bought him the books he required. I cost my couple of hundred rupees, I think it was not a big deal for me. It just liked ordering a pizza. 


I helped him because it is our moral responsibility to help the one who needs. Another reason for this was he may have failed the exams and that would cost him one year. I think, it would be huge lost to a student.  The guy was grateful to me and he secured second position in high school examinations. I


I was internally satisfied to contribute to his education. I don’t hesitate helping others because my parents have taught me that we should never avoid anyone who needs our help. I believe that we must come forward if people lack anything. By helping and sharing what we have. We can make this world a better place.


Part 3

Discussion Topics

 Do you like helping others?

 Yes , I do. I never miss an opportunity to assist people in many ways because we may need help in our life. I feel at peace when I do something selflessly. I believe that it improves our personality and opens up our mind to many unknown emotions. It is one of the most precious sentiments to helping others.  I make time to teach young boys and girls in my community.


Do you think people are less willing to help others today than in the past?

 I don’t think so that people don’t help as people did in the past.  I often see people taking many initiatives to help people around them.  They provide foods, clothes, education and so on. We cannot say that monetary support is best form of assistance. An honest advice , teaching any subject or make someone cross the road is also help and people do that frequently.


How do people help each other in your society?

 I see many people go to hospital and attend the patients who don’t have anyone to take care of them. Many retired teachers go to countryside areas to encourage people to be educated. They also take part in programs of arranging money, clothes and foods for those who are deprived of resources to meet their need. I think these are some of the common ways to help.


Do you believe that the children should be taught to help others?

 Yes , children should be encouraged to possess this virtue so they can contribute to the society. By helping the world could be a better place.  We should set examples before young boys and girls so they get inspired to come forward and help people around them. In my childhood my parents took me to neighbors when they have to provide them anything they could not afford. I learnt to help others by my parents. I think schools and parents can do it well.

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